604.770.1777 Monday - Friday 1172 West 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC

Maddison Butler

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Maddison was born and raised on the Northshore and started her dance journey at the age of three. She began dancing competitively at the age of 8 and started dancing at Shift Dance Academy in 2012. She has successfully competed in all genres for 10 years. In 2019, Maddison had the opportunity to compete in the BC provincial finals with her solo and came second in the whole of BC.  She has completed her grade 4 through grade 8 RAD ballet examinations as well as her Intermediate Foundation through Advanced 2 vocational examinations. Maddison graduated in 2020 and is currently studying Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. Maddison is excited to have the opportunity to teach at Shift Dance Academy and share her love of dance with the students!